Fence of Ivy

Fence of Ivy

Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My quote.

"If you don't take risks, there is no point in life. If you stay inside and are scared, then you have made your life miserable.  So get outside! Enjoy the sun, enjoy the nature. Go take risks!"

Chasing the Nightbird

This is one of my favorite books. It's by Krista Russell. It's called Chasing the Nightbird. It takes place in the 1800's. It is about a 14-year-old Cape Verdean boy, who is a sailor.

Bade, The Raccoon

Me and my sister were outside playing and we saw raccoon. I said, "Look, a raccoon, let's go look at it". We went and followed it and climbed a tree.  I didn't have my camera, so I couldn't get a picture. It was awesome. We named it Bade because it means moon and he came out under the moon.

Nature, The Slideshow Coming Soon!


This is my pet ferret, Gwen. She is about four or three months old.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Lost Hero

This is The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan . It is one of the best books ever, but if your going to read it, you should probably read the Percy Jackson series first. The first one is The Lightning Thief.
These books are based on Greek mythology, but they happen in modern times.
This series is full of adventure and suspense. Try it, you will love it.

The Warrior Series

This is book 5 of the Warriors series. If you want to read it start with Into the Wild by Erin Hunter. I would suggest this book for people who like animals. There is some fighting in this book, so I recommend it for  fourth grade and up. It's a very good series so far.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Me again.



This is a picture of me at my house.

My Sister

This is my sister Addie. She has a blog: www.addierd.blogspot.com

The Tree


This is my climbing tree.  It's a good place to hide.  I can watch birds from my tree.